I have no doubt that you'll have a wonderfull year with your incredibly lucky students! Enjoy it!
Your writing (musings) always amaze and engage me. This one takes me back to memories.of the (too infrequent - but still powerful and life changing momenys I had when educators like you.said or did just whay I needed at that time. I can't thank you and your kindred colleagues enough for how your wisdom, care, compassion and understanding makes not only fulfilling lives possibe for your students - but the seemingly unreachable - possible. You are a treasure!
Please never undersetimate what you do for your students - or for our world.
Thank you for being you from the bottom of my heart.
Okay, now I’m excited for classes to start!
And you bring just the kind of curiosity and energy to learning that our students have! Happy new year, Georgie!
I have no doubt that you'll have a wonderfull year with your incredibly lucky students! Enjoy it!
Your writing (musings) always amaze and engage me. This one takes me back to memories.of the (too infrequent - but still powerful and life changing momenys I had when educators like you.said or did just whay I needed at that time. I can't thank you and your kindred colleagues enough for how your wisdom, care, compassion and understanding makes not only fulfilling lives possibe for your students - but the seemingly unreachable - possible. You are a treasure!
Please never undersetimate what you do for your students - or for our world.
Thank you for being you from the bottom of my heart.
Wow, Charlotte. Thank you so much for these words of affirmation and encouragement. I’ll keep you posted on how the year unfolds.